Dania Martínez obtained her Bachelor’s in Biotechnology at the University of Querétaro (Mexico) in 2015. For her thesis project, she worked under supervision of Dr. Teresa García, performing genetic modifications on beans to induce secretion of anticarcinogenic lectins through plant roots.
After her B.Sc. she continued her work by developing new strategies for efficient and profitable production of recombinant lectins with pharmaceutical purposes. Subsequently, Dania obtained her Master’s degree in 2017, with a thesis project focused on the heterologous expression of bioactive lectins in P. pastoris. This project was developed under supervision of Dr. Alejandro Blanco at CINVESTAV (Mexico) and in collaboration with Prof. John Gatehouse and Dr. Elaine Fitches at Durham University (UK).
During her stay in Durham, Dania became interested on the specific binding ability of lectins and approached the study of sugar-lectin interactions through the production of mutant proteins.
In April 2018 she joined the PhD4GlycoDrug European Program as a PhD student to work on the characterization of lectins from emerging fungi. This project is performed under the supervision of Dr. Annabelle Varrot at CERMAV (CNRS, University of Grenoble) and Prof. Roland Pieters at the University of Utrecht.