Margherita Duca obtained her Bachelor Degree in Chemistry at the University of Bologna. After completing an internship on photopharmacology at the University of Munich, she finalized her Master studies at the University of Milan. She pursued her master thesis within the field of glycochemistry, under the supervision of Prof. L. Lay. She was also co-supervised by Prof. A. J. Minnaard at the University of Groningen, where she spent 5 months as an Erasmus+ student.
She is currently a PhD candidate at Utrecht University, focusing on the design and synthesis of multivalent fucosylated inhibitors of medicinally relevant lectins. Her mentors are Prof. R. J. Pieters at Utrecht University and Dr. Annabelle Varrot at CERMAV, University of Grenoble. Her interest are organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry and bio-related topics.